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I have an Oculus 2 but I don't have a PC. Can I download this directly onto my Quest 2? sorry to be asking such a basic question.

Sorry! This is PC VR only. This game was made as a college capstone project and we didn't have enough Oculus Quest 2's to play in 4 player co-op, so we opted for PC VR.

We're glad that you took a look at our game!
There is a gameplay video in the comments below, and  a few more videos if you look at the YouTube channel itself.

Cool, thank you!

Breach Protocol VR has been updated to version 1.03. 
The following changes have been made...

  1. All grabbable objects are now indicated by a green dot when the player's hand is able to grab it.
  2. Holding the secondary activation button (X or A on Oculus or pressing in the touchpad on HTC) no longer continuously reloads weapons. 
    Users using the revolver found themselves frequently holding the button to pull back the revolver and proceeding to reload it by mistake,  this is no longer the case.
  3. The grenade holsters on each player now are able to hold all grenades rather than specific grenades. This is a temporary change as we plan on replacing grenades with a more consistent form of projectile utility.
(1 edit)

For those who do not own a VR headset, here is a gameplay preview!

(Version 1.00 Gameplay)